Monday 6 June 2011

Canada: Toronto May

Rosie arrived on Saturday. Sunday we went for a cooking class then to the distillery district. It was a Victoria day bank holiday in Toronto so there was a Market on. We had torontos best hot chocolate in... Then wandered down to the lake shore and had drinks on the roof with the flat mates as it was an awesome day!

Went to visit the Toronto islands for lunch on Rosie's birthday then walked the full length of it, taking a million photos of the cn tower and the skyline! It took us 2 hours to walk the 1 block home from the subway as Rosie was lured into every single shop!

Photos from the ferry to the Islands

First picnic on the beach in 2011

So after endless failed star jumps... we opted for 'the touching the cn tower photo'

There are quite a few people live on the islands, there are lots of cute cottage style houses. I'm assuming everyone needs a boat to live here as the ferrys stop in winter. There is no shops on the island, only two cafes which close at 5pm, a primary school and the last ferry in summer is 10pm.... aint a place I would be running to live anytime soon!

Spent rosies last day exploring my fav area, Kensington and eating toronto's best fruit pie in wandas pie in the sky and caught a comedy show!

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