Saturday 18 June 2011

Niagara Falls: June

Phil got a free trip to Niagara for 'training' on the sightseeing tour.... so off we went for a day trip...
Walked along the falls, lost our money at the casino, did some touristy things at the falls and ate alot of free samples in Niagara on the Lake!

 A month ago you could not see this there was so much fog!

This isn't zoomed in... you get this close to the drop, the speed and noise is crazy.

 Like a kid in a sweet shop.

On the way to Niagara on the Lake

World's smallest church... fits 6 people.

NYC: Day three

Last day in NYC.
Spent the morning exploring Chelsea, the neighbourhood we were staying in... turns out to be awesome. Full of little cafes and cool shops and funky streets and has an awesome park walk way along the edge of manhatten over looking the Hudson River and New Jersey.

These are all cakes!! Found this fab cake shop at Chelsea Market. Wish I was hungry enough to eat at each place!

Lunch in Chelsea!

Spent the afternoon touring NBC studios. We weren't allowed photos. Pretty interesting tour. Saw three sets, one being Saturday Night Live.

Minnie Mouse at Times Square... had to be done.

How to end a trip to NYC... Cocktails on a roof!

A merry cab ride back to our plane/train.... bye bye NYC!

NYC: Day two

Second day in NYC!
Got the Staten Island Ferry to see the statue of liberty and sky line.

Classic Staten Island ferry look....

Life Size Lego!

Rockafellar Plaza

Yeah so my panorama shot aint too good... two statue of libertys eh?

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NYC: Day 1

Finallly arrived in NYC at 11am after spending forever at customs. A dope on the bus came with a out of date passport and somehow still got into the country! Thankfully as the bus would have had to drive him back across the border!

Spent first day in NYC walking through Central Park as it was 30 degrees!

Don't need to be famous to be on Times Square Billboards hey!
Play the Fiona & Rosie version of where's Wally below

We are next to the stand on the right.

LION KING!!! It was Amazing! I love giraffe!

Our 'glass' of wine came in a kids cup!
This theatre was classy!