Thursday, 19 May 2011

Cuba: Matanza

Got the ferry from old havana to casablanca this morning to catch the hersey train.

Arrived in casablanca to find a row of seats as the train station and nothing else but a cafe. The hersey train was built in 1917 by the hersey chocolate family to bring sugar from the sugar mills in matanza through to Havana. When the train arrived we burst out laughing not known wether the train would make it to Matanza or not! The train passes through about 30 'stations'. I have no idea how people know where these stations are, most of them are just a sign by the track in the middle of a field with nothing else in sight! The train screaches like nails on  a blackboard the whole time, but some how is bareble and both of us managed to nod off. It took four hours to arrive in versailles, which is a ten minute walk to matanza, the bus would have took us 2 hours...but sure it was an adventure.

With $3 bottles of rum, $2 mojitos and beer sold just like coke in all shops for 50cents. Phil was loving it....but we soon found him some help!

Trying out our first cuban cigar in cuban grannys patio. She even brought us midnight snacks.

Finding a casa in Matanza was a bit of a mission, but eventually found a wee Cuban granny to take us in!
Her house was like a palace, looked like nothing from the outside, entering in from the garage into a maze of rooms and a big patio in the middle. She lived with her son and wife and 2 month baby and ran a photo shop out of their garage so their living room became the garage at night time.

Not much to do in Matanza, all it has is a bay and lots of peso cafes and bars. So spent the two days just relaxing after hectic Havana.

We really wanted to drive in one of the old cars that we have seen everywhere. So cuban granny waved her wand and got us this 1959 mercedies benz to take us to Varadero...Phil was in his element.

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