Monday, 31 January 2011

Toronto: January

Think we brought enough?
Belfast - Dublin - Amsterdam - Toronto

New Years Eve 2010/11
Disney themed party where we toured around all the houses in the Port Ryerse Village
We dressed as 101 dalmations... most common question of the night was were are the other pups...

Day discovering the vintage shops in Kensington Market

House hunting... First flat we viewed,i could see my uni building from the window...sold!... a few days later we found out we had a roof deck, pool, sauna and gym...bonus!

RISEXC the international student group organised loads of activities the first week to get to know everyone else and the city.
Like iceskating at Nathan Philips Square, Black and White Masquarade Ball and Dinner at O'Noir (you eat in the dark and it is completly pitch black, the waiters are blind and it was an awesome but bizzare experience, it was supose to highten your senses, there was over 30 of us at the restaurant which led to many sing songs!)

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